FOODforce Success Stories

  • FOODforce position paper "Smart and sustainable food solutions as part of a circular economy for a healthy and joyful life" - Download document (pdf)
  • Submitting a number of Framework Programme Expressions of Interest to the European Commission:
  • Hosting a Participants’ Forum: 
    Optimising the Impact of European Agri-food Research, together with EFFoST and the Federation of European Chemical Societies [now renamed as the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences, EuCheMS], at the launch of FP6 in Brussels.
  • Establishing the European Technology Platform Food for Life: 
    European Technology Platforms (ETPs) are industry-led, public/private partnerships encouraged by the European Commission to drive innovation and unite stakeholder communities in reaching strategic research objectives of key European industry sectors.The main goals of the ETPs are to strengthen the European innovation process, improve knowledge transfer and stimulate European competitiveness across the food chain.
  • Establishing National Food Platforms (NFPs) across Europe:
    During the extensive national and regional consultation process that took place to ensure that the ETP’s strategic Research Agenda addressed the needs and opportunities of the whole of Europe, various countries suggested developing National Food Platforms (NFPs) to bring together stakeholders at national level to facilitate two-way discussion with ETP.These were subsequently networked to enhance knowledge exchange, experience & best practice; assist with interactions between specific stakeholder groups (e.g. SMEs; consumer bodies) in different countries; identify regional concerns and/or opportunites, ensure the ETP’s activities remained relevant to Europe as a whole.There are currently 34 NFPs linked to the ETP each reflecting the national importance of the agri-food sector together with the nature and level of contacts between individual stakeholder sectors.
  • Promoting the European Research Area:
    The European Research Area (ERA) is composed of all research and development activities, programmes and policies in Europe which involve a transnational perspective.Together, they enable researchers, research institutions and businesses to increasingly circulate, compete and co-operate across borders.The aim is to give them access to a Europe-wide open space for knowledge and technologies in which transnational synergies and complementarities are fully exploited.The ERA consists of activities, programmes and policies that are designed and operated at all levels: regional, national and European.